Help for Victims of Car and Work Accidents

I would like to help you have less pain in your life. I also want to help you reduce the losses that have been caused by your car or work accident.

Many losses are caused by long-term or chronic pain. Chronic pain is one of the world's most disabling conditions. This is well documented in the scientific research literature.

Chronic pain is also one of the most poorly understood health problems. It is complicated, with many layers, all working together to knock you down. It is no wonder that injured people, as well as many doctors, lawyers, and insurers are so confused.

I can help you sort out this confusion and help you learn how to explain your injuries and losses to the many professional now in your life.

Over 90% of my patients suffer from long-term (chronic) pain caused by car or work accidents. I have been helping people who live every day in pain for the past 25 years.

You can easily (and cheaply) find this help in my new book. I wrote Unbelievable Pain Control to help you sort out this confusion and to help you deal with the questions coming at you from all sides.

This book is devoted to helping people who live every day in pain.

Yours with care

A Simple SURVIVAL GUIDE - Free Download

My days are spent listening and learning from people like you, who live every day in pain. I also learn a lot from talking with other professionals and reading up on the latest research in this field. I like to share this knowledge by writing and giving talks to the community. This simple survival guide is based on one of my most popular talks.
Thank you for visiting this site. If you wish any further information, feel free to contact me by email